We are almost ready to start planting new fruit trees
We are so pleased with the help of many sponsors,a small amount can make a big difference.
The first wheelbarrows are trickling in and we can almost start planting the first large fruit trees.
We have also been asked to build a fence around our land, but actually I am not in favor of it but I understand that it is necessary.
We are looking at how we can solve this in a way that the well remains accessible for everyone.
I also want to make the wall green by growing passion fruits on it.
So many ideas but again a cost, but if we want to let Shamu village grow we must go for it.
I know all together we can do this,so our learning center will be build on a nice place where we can put our tools safe and locked.
We are looking at how much it costs to put up an iron lattice fence so that around pasionfruits can grow and nature stays beautiful.
We would like to protect nature as much as possible.